Eyelid Procedure

Canthoplasty Services in Palm Desert, CA

What is Canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that corrects lower eyelid laxity or retraction of the lower eyelids. It is a delicate and specialized procedure that you want performed only by a highly skilled oculoplastic surgeon who has significant experience in cosmetic eye procedures, like Dr. Marshak in Palm Desert, California.

Why is Canthoplasty Done?

Considered by some to be one of the most versatile oculoplastic surgical procedures, canthoplasty, or canthal tilt surgery, is done to correct a variety of eyelid conditions including ectropion, entropion, lateral canthal dystopia, horizontal lid laxity, lid margin eversion, lid retraction and to improve one’s cosmetic appearance. In certain circumstances, canthoplasty is a valuable addition to a lower blepharoplasty and other eyelid procedures.

Age, overexposure to the sun, smoking, genetics, eye trauma, previous surgery or certain neurological conditions can also cause the lower eyelids to retract at the outer corners of the eye, giving the face a tired or aged appearance and can also cause incomplete eyelid closure and/or dry eyes. Canthoplasty aims to correct this downward tilt and pull up the edges (also known as the lateral canthus) to be equal or above where the eyelids meet near the nose (medial canthus).

How is Canthoplasty Done?

Canthoplasty is performed to horizontally tighten the lower eyelid and can also raise the lower lid if it has fallen. The goal of canthal tilt surgery is to bring the lower eyelid in close apposition to the eyeball and to maintain or restore the natural “almond” shape of the eye.

What is Recovery Like?

What to expect

Recovery from canthoplasty surgery usually involves some soreness, bruising and mild swelling around the eyes. The length of recovery varies depending multiple factors including whether other procedures were performed in conjunction with the canthoplasty, age, health, genetics and previous surgery. After most eyelid surgeries, heavy physical activity and sports are not recommended for the first week after surgery, however, normal activity (walking, shopping) is permitted. There are usually no bandages and showering is permitted the day after surgery.

It is common for patients to develop bruising and swelling the majority of the swelling goes away in two to three weeks, but some swelling can last for a longer period of time as every patient heals at different rates depending on age and skin type.  Dr. Marshak will personally see you frequently in the post-operative period to monitor your healing and ensure you are on course. 

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